5 Exciting Areas Of Technology To Help Grow Your Business

Start Embracing the Technology of the Future

Sally Leslie
10 min readMar 31, 2023

Is your business ready for the future of technology? If not, you still have time to find out what is happening. The new age of Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is rising. There are also another four areas of technology that will make a difference.

You could use one or two technologies to help your business and get an edge over your competitors. Now is the time to embrace the tech revolution. Read this article to discover what will happen over the next few years. It could change your mind and your business plan.

Here are five technologies to follow to stay updated in your industry.

1. AI and Machine Learning

Many films changed our perspectives on AI over the years. Think back to the classic of 2001: A Space Odyssey, released in the 60s. Also, don’t forget Blade Runner in the 80s and Steven Spielberg’s AI in 2001.

Since then, there has been an increasing number of films covering AI in different ways. Whether you prefer to praise or condemn AI, it is here to stay. Businesses are learning to use AI and machine learning to make them more competitive.

Finance, healthcare, and retail are all set to lean more toward these technologies. You could also look into these areas and see if they can help your business. Here are some ways in which you can use it:

a) Personalise your user experiences

You can use targeted adverts to create content that matches behavioural patterns. It will help you to improve your customer engagement. Also, it will help to increase conversions and improve customer loyalty.

b) Expand your use of computer vision

You can use AI and ML to analyse visual data, such as images and videos. It can also help you to detect patterns, identify objects, and recognize faces. Think autonomous vehicles, medical imaging, and surveillance systems.

c) Boost your fraud detection capabilities

Payments for goods and services are now common targets for fraudsters. AI and ML can help your business to identify and prevent fraudulent activity. These technologies can analyze data and give alerts for potential threats.

d) Use Natural language processing (NLP) to support your business

AI and ML can interpret and respond to natural language input. This ability will enable more sophisticated communication between humans and computers. Examples are chatbots, virtual assistants and voice recognition technology.

e) Improve your decision-making with predictive modelling

You can also use AI and ML to analyse your data. You can find patterns to help you predict future events or potential outcomes. It’s a great way to improve decision-making and optimise your business processes.

The Future of AI and ML

It is only the beginning of this multi-billion industry. Expenditure on AI technologies in the UK could reach a mind-boggling £35.6 billion by 2025.

Here are some expected trends for AI and ML in the coming years:

Extensive growth in healthcare

The healthcare industry will continue to use machine learning and artificial intelligence. For example, it will help diagnose diseases and aid drug discovery. This trend will grow as the tech improves.

Increased automation

More tasks will become automated using AI and ML. The type of industry may not make any difference to this trend. Customer service, manufacturing, and transportation are sectors that will feel a positive impact.

Points To Note

As our society uses AI and ML more, there will be ethical and regulatory considerations. There will be more detailed scrutiny of the ethical implications and potential risks. This situation will result in implementation of new laws and regulations by regulators.

The AI genie is already out of the bottle. AI experts and industry leaders recently voiced concern with AI development. An open letter requested a six-month pause of AI development, so regulations could try to catch up.

2. The Internet of Things (IoT)

It sounds like something super complicated, but don’t let the name put you off. IoT refers to the collection and exchange of data from stationary objects. This data comes in real-time format from embedded devices.

IoT will continue to grow year after year. Estimates say there will be more than 25.4 billion IoT devices by 2030. It’s an incredible statistic and shows how important this market will be. Your business could use a device to improve business processes.

Here are a couple of areas where IoT will make a significant impact:

a) Smart Cities

IoT will impact the development of cities. Connected devices and IoT sensors will help track and manage cities. IoT will help control energy consumption and traffic flow. Which will help make cities more efficient and sustainable.

b) Transforming Industries

There will also be more IoT in the agriculture, healthcare and manufacturing sectors. For example, there will be more remote medical devices watching patients. These devices can help to improve care and reduce costs.

The Future of IoT

The future of IoT is exciting. It will revolutionise the way we all live and work. You might only use a few items now, but this will change for most people. Here are a few expected trends for IoT:

An increase in industrial automation

Industrial processes will become far more automated. The automation capabilities will help track equipment performance, manage inventories, and optimise supply chains. Businesses can use IoT to reduce downtime and increase efficiency.

More people will have smart homes

You might use Alexa to check the weather, do the shopping, or play music. It’s going to get far more exciting than that! People will automate more areas of their lives via central hubs or smart apps. Examples are entertainment, lighting, and security.

Support for farmers with precision agriculture

Environmental factors are now affecting agriculture more every year. In the future, precision agriculture will help to support farmers. IoT sensors and devices can check soil moisture and temperature. This information can help optimise crop yields and reduce waste.

Points To Note

As the number of connected devices increases, privacy and security breaches will occur. These potential security issues will push the development of more robust security measures.

Has the IoT piqued your interest? If so, learn more about IoT in this interesting article from McKinsey & Company.

3. 5G Technology

The third area of technology to watch for your business is 5G. There could be 3 billion 5G subscriptions worldwide by 2025. This widespread adoption of 5G will bring an exciting new era of connectivity.

These new networks will open up new technologies like virtual and augmented reality. Businesses will have greater capacity, speed and lower latency as the connections increase.

a) 5G will boost the growth of the IoT

5G will help drive IoT growth with improved connectivity and network capabilities. 5G and IoT are perfect for each other! IoT devices can enjoy increased bandwidth and lower latency.

b) Major infrastructure demands

5G networks are different to wireless technology. 5G networks need more infrastructure and upgrades. These needs will lead to more significant investment in infrastructure and complex deployments.

The Future of 5G

If you’ve not looked into 5G for your business, it could be time to get on the 5G train. It looks set to be an incredible ride and will boost speed in your business. Acting faster could be a key differentiating factor in such a competitive world.

Internet speeds that are off the chart

It can offer peak download speeds of up to 20 Gbps. This speed is 20 times faster than 4G LTE networks. You can download and upload files faster than before. You can also stream high-quality videos with minimal buffering.

Your network will be more efficient

By design, 5G networks are more efficient than 4G networks. Because they can handle more data traffic but use fewer network resources. 5G networks help to reduce congestion and give you more consistent performance.

A more reliable network for your business

Edge computing enables data processing close to users, which helps reduce latency. Network slicing allows the creation of virtual network slices. You can use these to optimise specific use cases.

Points To Note

The future of 5G technology will see increased adoption. New applications and services will connect to 5G. Also, they will be ongoing challenges with infrastructure, regulations, and security. Potential regulations will focus on data privacy requirements and working with foreign organisations.

4. Quantum Computing

Quantum computing uses quantum physics to solve complex problems. Due to its ability to handle complex issues, it will revolutionise many industries. It will impact cryptography, drug discovery and machine and material science.

Here are some reasons why quantum computing is an exciting area of technology to follow:

a) Significant investment in quantum computing

Governments, tech companies, and venture capitalists are investing in quantum computing. This increased investment will translate into rapid technological advancements and continual breakthroughs.

b) Advancements with the increase of qubits

Researchers are making rapid progress in developing qubits. These are the building blocks of quantum computing. As qubits increase, quantum computers can solve more problems.

c) Secure communication

Quantum computers could completely change communication for businesses. Quantum technology will make communications completely secure. Communications will be impossible to intercept or hack.

The Future of Quantum Computing

There will be more breakthroughs in quantum computing in the coming years. Alongside this, there are still some challenges to overcome. There needs to be better hardware and software for quantum computing to grow. Here are some areas that will benefit:

Stronger encryption

In the future, quantum computing will break many encryption methods. Quantum computing can develop new and more robust encryption methods. These methods will make it resistant to attacks from classical and quantum computers.

Aid with drug discovery

Quantum computers can simulate the behaviour of molecules at the quantum level. These simulations can help to predict the properties of molecules. This ability will help speed up the discovery of new drugs and treatments.

Improve supply chain management

Quantum computing can help to optimise supply chains. It can analyse data, identify efficient routes, and manage inventory levels. All help to improve efficiency, minimise waste, and reduce costs.

Points To Note

According to research, the global market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 31.29% from 2022 to 2030. It is also worth reiterating you can only do quantum computing on quantum computers. Also, these computers take a lot of work to build and design.

5. Blockchain

Blockchain is still new, but different applications will use it over time. Its main skill is that it can create a secure, decentralised digital ledger. Many people still associate blockchain with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

But there is more to blockchain than cryptocurrencies. Research shows more businesses are spending money on blockchain technology. Indeed, expectations are that global spending will reach $19 billion by 2024.

Here are some areas where blockchain technology is already making an impact:

a) Trustworthy transactions

It can provide a secure, transparent and decentralised system. A system that records and verifies transactions without an intermediary. It is ideal for financial transactions, such as sending and receiving payments.

b) Transparent and secure supply chain management

Blockchain technology can create more transparent and efficient supply chain management systems. It can record the transaction on a public ledger. These records increase transparency, reduce fraud, and give greater accountability.

c) Identity management

Using blockchain technology, individuals can have control over their data. Blockchain gives them the option to select who gets access to their data. It can help to reduce identity theft which is a rising crime.

d) Voting Systems

Voting systems can use blockchain technology to reduce the risk of fraud. It can increase voter confidence in the integrity of the electoral process.

The Future of Blockchain

There will be a continuation of development and innovation in blockchain technology. It still has a very long way to go. Here are some areas where it will grow in the future:

Decentralised Finance (DeFi)

As mentioned earlier, blockchain technology can revolutionise managing and transacting financial assets. DeFi applications, built on blockchain technology, allow more efficient, secure, and transparent transactions.

Improve the experience for gamers

Blockchain technology can enable players to own and trade in-game assets. The technology can create new business models for game developers. Also, players will have greater control over their gaming experience.

Facilitates smart contracts

Financial services, real estate, and supply chain management systems use smart contracts. These contracts are self-executing contracts. The terms of the agreement are in the lines of code. Blockchain facilitates smart contracts by providing a secure and decentralised platform.

Points To Note

There is a court case between the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Ripple Labs Inc. The SEC accuses the company of an unregistered securities offering. It could have an impact on regulations for cryptocurrency.

Embrace The Future Of Technology

Our technological society will continue advancing, opening new doors and opportunities. AI and machine learning is growing in businesses and will continue to do so. IoT is also making waves and will revolutionise how we live and work. 5G technology will open the world to faster, more efficient and reliable internet.

Quantum computing will aid drug discovery and make communications more secure for businesses. Also, blockchain will flex its muscles and gain more traction. How far this goes will depend on the new regulatory framework and what it entails.

These five technologies are the future. Whatever tech you decide to use, embrace its benefits. You can incorporate these tools and use them in your business strategy. It can give you a competitive edge and push your business to more success.

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Sally Leslie

B2B Writer & Copy Editor | Creating B2B Content For Entrepreneurs, SMEs, and Startups | Native Brit Living In Spain | Let's talk! www.contentcatcreations.com